2023 TxA Director 
Connie Rivera, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Connie first became active in the AIA Corpus Christi chapter in 2000 serving as Associate Director. She later was hired as their Executive Director and served in that role from 2008 through 2011. After stepping down, she continued to serve on the AIA CC board, becoming chapter president in 2014. During her tenure at AIA CC she was instrumental in the launch of several programs such as Code Academy, Summer Architectural Academy, and Smart Growth Forum.
She later served with the Texas Society of Architects (TxA) beginning in 2015 as Chapter Director, and continued as VP of Professional Development, VP of Advocacy and finally as President in 2020.
READ the AIACC TxA Director’s Report from the Q1 Board Meeting held on March 30/31, 2023.
If you have any questions or comments, contact Connie Rivera.
TxA Director’s Report – From the TxA Retreat – January 19-21, 2023 in Austin, TX
In mid-January of this year, I had the occasion to take part in the Texas Society of Architects (TxA)
Leadership Retreat which brought together the TxA Board, TxA Committee Chairs, and the leadership of
all of the local Chapters. It was an opportunity to meet, network and share ideas on moving the
profession forward. The leadership of TxA also shared the Strategic Plan, goals for the Society and
recent actions and programs to achieve those goals. They also shared their plans and goals with regard
to the Legislative Session this year. The objectives for this meeting were for the participants to network
with people around the state who are in the same roles, to learn about the priorities at AIA National,
TxA and the Local Chapters, and to discuss how TxA can facilitate collaboration between Chapters.
While I’ve had past experience on the TxA board, here are some recent developments highlighted at this
View the TxA Legislative Agenda for 2023